My latest posts
release day excerpt at the cafe
Release thus far has been beyond fabulous. In addition to an amazing outpouring of support from friends and my fellow Carina Press authors, The Striker's Chance got 4 out of 5 stars from the inimitable Mandi Schreiner at Smexy Books! A sexy excerpt from the novel is...
release day!
It's finally here - release day for my debut The Striker's Chance! I have a guest post scheduled today at the Contemporary Romance Cafe, so check back for an update a bit later. I'll also be at RR@H Novel Thoughts and Carina Press tomorrow and on Delilah Devlin's blog...
the haven’t-done list
I'm over at the Contemporary Romance Cafe today, blogging about all the stuff I'm, er, not working on. Stop by and have a look:
jozi: one month on
Today marks four weeks since I left the UK and the time has absolutely flown. I still feel as green as a new shoot as I navigate my new country of residence, but I’m slowly getting to grips with the commute, the vocabulary, and the way of life down here at the bottom...
excerpt excitement
I'm sharing the first-ever excerpt from The Striker's Chance over on The London Diaries - have a look!
guest post – Zee Monodee
Since I'm caught up in the endless admin that surrounds an intercontinental move, I'm excited to welcome Zee Monodee to the blog with a stunning excerpt from her latest release, The Other Side! Set in Mauritius, The Other Side is the first book in the Island Girls...
the end
In about five and a half hours I'll be on my way to Heathrow to bid a fond farewell to six years in London, but also to excitedly restart the clock on my new life in Johannesburg. In the meantime I'm over at the Contemporary Romance Cafe today talking about endings -...
back to camp
July is upon us, and amidst all the crazy final-stage admin involved in wrapping up my life in the UK and starting a new one in South Africa - oh, and, y'know, planning the wedding that's now less than three months away - I thought it was probably a great idea to...
I'll always remember that day last November when I came back from a (slightly boozy!) work lunch to find an e-mail from Angela James, Executive Editor of Carina Press, saying the team loved my contemporary sports romance and wanted to offer me my first-ever contract!...