anyone for tennis?

Faithful readers, I hope your Valentine’s Week (if there is such a thing) is going better than mine! I got back to Joburg on Monday evening after an awesome extended weekend in Cape Town and have spent the ensuing several days trying to get around this...


Just a day after registration opened for RWA ’14 in San Antonio – and which I considered trying to attend for about five minutes before realizing how many books I’d have to sell to cover the entry fee alone – I am kind of ridiculously excited...

and the Bunker-Play winner is…

(…chosen by randomly accosting one of my colleagues and making them pick a number…) Inge Saunders! Congrats on winning a copy of The Striker’s Chance and thanks so much to everyone who commented!

Bunker-Play Blog Hop

I’m not going to lie to y’all – I’m not a huge fan of professional golf. It takes ages, winners and losers are often determined long before the game is finished, and how seriously can you take a sport where guys like Angel Cabrera can become...

twenty thirteen

2013 was probably one of my biggest years yet. Twelve months ago I was unmarried, unpublished, and living in London. Today I’m officially a wife, I have two books out, and am a denizen of Johannesburg. All a bit topsy-turvy to say the least! As such...