more blog hopping

Release week for The Striker’s Chance is winding down, although being without power at our house for 30+ hours certainly kept things lively! Electricity workers are on strike here in Johannesburg and I had the uniquely South African experience of filling my...

guest post – Kathy Bosman

I’m so excited to welcome South African author Kathy Bosman to the blog today – and be sure not to miss her great giveaway at the bottom of the page! Today is my first stop for my first ever proper blog tour. I’m giving away a $10 Amazon voucher and five...

blog hopper

Release week excitement continues as I guest-post on a couple of fabulous blogs this week! I’m talking about reconciling romance and feminism at RR@H:...

release day excerpt at the cafe

Release thus far has been beyond fabulous. In addition to an amazing outpouring of support from friends and my fellow Carina Press authors, The Striker’s Chance got 4 out of 5 stars from the inimitable Mandi Schreiner at Smexy Books! A sexy excerpt from the...

release day!

It’s finally here – release day for my debut The Striker’s Chance! I have a guest post scheduled today at the Contemporary Romance Cafe, so check back for an update a bit later. I’ll also be at RR@H Novel Thoughts and Carina Press tomorrow and...