by Rebecca | Sep 30, 2016 | writing
Happy Friday! I used some pedi-induced mandatory downtime to finally set up my newsletter. Click here to subscribe for release news, behind-the-scenes material and generally intermittent and eccentric content.
by Rebecca | Sep 14, 2016 | writing
Hello faithful readers! The new Atlanta Skyline soccer romance series is moving along apace, with the manuscript for book #2 in my editor’s inbox and the final proofread for book #1 underway. Book #1 – now titled Crossing Hearts – hits digital...
by Rebecca | Jun 27, 2016 | writing
Hello faithful readers! Long time, no news… until now. After a post-baby hiatus (which I’m calling my extended writerly maternity leave), I am very pleased to announce I have signed a three-book deal with Kensington’s Lyrical Press! I’m headed...
by Rebecca | Dec 7, 2015 | writing
Good news for my American and Canadian readers: Gifts of Honor is only $0.99 until the 21st December! Get in the Christmas spirit with this heartwarming military holiday anthology from Carina Press!
by Rebecca | Jul 28, 2015 | Uncategorized
Hey there faithful readers! At long, long last, the second book in the Elite Operators series – Short Fuse – has hit digital shelves. I rewrote this one from scratch about three times, but am so pleased with the final product! Set on a gold mine in a...