new newsletter for, uh, news

Happy Friday! I used some pedi-induced mandatory downtime to finally set up my newsletter. Click here to subscribe for release news, behind-the-scenes material and generally intermittent and eccentric content.

cover reveal: Crossing Hearts

Hello faithful readers! The new Atlanta Skyline soccer romance series is moving along apace, with the manuscript for book #2 in my editor’s inbox and the final proofread for book #1 underway. Book #1 – now titled Crossing Hearts – hits digital...

new book(s) news!

Hello faithful readers! Long time, no news… until now. After a post-baby hiatus (which I’m calling my extended writerly maternity leave), I am very pleased to announce I have signed a three-book deal with Kensington’s Lyrical Press! I’m headed...

‘Gifts of Honor’ on sale!

Good news for my American and Canadian readers: Gifts of Honor is only $0.99 until the 21st December! Get in the Christmas spirit with this heartwarming military holiday anthology from Carina Press!  

release day for Short Fuse!

Hey there faithful readers! At long, long last, the second book in the Elite Operators series – Short Fuse – has hit digital shelves. I rewrote this one from scratch about three times, but am so pleased with the final product! Set on a gold mine in a...