
My latest posts

anyone for tennis?

Faithful readers, I hope your Valentine's Week (if there is such a thing) is going better than mine! I got back to Joburg on Monday evening after an awesome extended weekend in Cape Town and have spent the ensuing several days trying to get around this petrol-fueled...


Just a day after registration opened for RWA '14 in San Antonio - and which I considered trying to attend for about five minutes before realizing how many books I'd have to sell to cover the entry fee alone - I am kind of ridiculously excited to share that the...

and the Bunker-Play winner is…

(...chosen by randomly accosting one of my colleagues and making them pick a number...) Inge Saunders! Congrats on winning a copy of The Striker's Chance and thanks so much to everyone who commented!

Bunker-Play Blog Hop

I'm not going to lie to y'all - I'm not a huge fan of professional golf. It takes ages, winners and losers are often determined long before the game is finished, and how seriously can you take a sport where guys like Angel Cabrera can become champions? I always groan...

twenty thirteen

2013 was probably one of my biggest years yet. Twelve months ago I was unmarried, unpublished, and living in London. Today I'm officially a wife, I have two books out, and am a denizen of Johannesburg. All a bit topsy-turvy to say the least! As such there's rather too...

two-for tuesday

Tuesday is generally my least favorite day of the week - yup, even worse than Monday. On Monday I still have a little optimism and energy left over from the weekend, but on Tuesday that's all gone and I'm facing four more days before the next one. A friend of mine...

red-letter day

Okay, maybe more like pink. My plan for today's post was to share the two places you can find me and HERO'S HOMECOMING today - and I'll still do that. But first I want to share the unbelievably exciting news that Sarah Wendell from Smart Bitches, Trashy Books not only...

guest post and giveaway

I'm talking about holiday traditions over at RR@H Novel Thoughts today, and one commenter will win a free copy of Hero's Homecoming! Release day went off without a...

christmas came early

Hey hey it's release day! My military holiday novella HERO'S HOMECOMING hits digital shelves today, both on its own and as half of GIFTS OF HONOR, one of Carina Press's holiday collections. I can't explain how proud I am of this novella, and that it appears beside the...