Okay, maybe more like pink.

My plan for today’s post was to share the two places you can find me and HERO’S HOMECOMING today – and I’ll still do that. But first I want to share the unbelievably exciting news that Sarah Wendell from Smart Bitches, Trashy Books not only reviewed HERO’S HOMECOMING, she didn’t hate it! I saw the review on Twitter and inevitably my crappy African internet service chose that moment to crash out, but after several tense minutes of refreshing and watching the little loading circle swirl around and around, the grade appeared in a big pink font:


So without further ado, let me direct you to the best B+ I have EVER gotten.

PHEW! Breathing, breathing, still breathing. If you’d like to read an excerpt from the B+-receiving novella, I’m sharing one over at the Contemporary Romance Cafe. And if you want to hear the story of the B+-receiving novella’s composition during last year’s NaNoWriMo, the fabulous PJ Schnyder has kindly hosted me at her blog.

Exciting times, faithful readers!