Samhain Publishing’s closure earlier this year meant a number of my books with them became unavailable. Having never ventured into self-publishing – and being a technophobe – I was nervous about whether I’d ever get those titles back into circulation.

Thankfully I have a friend in the brilliant Romy Sommer! Romy has recently started up her own business as a writing coach, and I jumped at the chance to be one of her first clients. With her expert help (and gentle prodding), I’m pleased to announce the Homefront Trilogy will be re-releasing over the next three months.

Originally released in 2014, the Homefront Trilogy is a trio of military romance novellas about three infantry soldiers settling back into Stateside life after a tough deployment overseas. After watching Sebastian Junger’s excellent film Restrepo (and I can recommend his new film about Syria, although it’s a hard watch) I wanted to write military romance that had military-related conflicts at its center, rather than just a dude in a sexy uniform. The heroes in the Homefront Trilogy struggle with where they fit, if they fit, and who they want to be – and of course the heroines step up to help them figure it all out.

The first novel, Boots on the Ground, will re-release on July 4th, and I’ve temporarily priced it at $0.99 to help readers get hooked on the series! The second and third books will re-release in early August and September, just ahead of Defending Hearts releasing on 19th September.

I really love the Homefront Trilogy, and I hope its re-release will find some new fans, too!