Hello faithful readers! I am beyond delighted to share that I’ll have a story in the next volume of the Rogue anthologies! ROGUE NIGHTS is now available for pre-order ahead of its 8 November release, and the tales of romance and resistance packed within these pages are stirring and super sexy!

My story, “Parking Lot Cowboy,” is about a strong, silent-type cowboy (who literally wears a cowboy hat and almost never speaks) and an epidemiologist who meet when they both escort at a family-planning clinic in Topeka. Much of the inspiration for this story hearkens back to growing up in Kansas, surrounded by at-times astonishingly radical ideologies, and having to learn to live alongside people whose opinions differ wildly to mine, but also occasionally being taken by surprise by the most delightfully unexpected allies.

If you like a little resistance in your romance, I heartily recommend picking this one up. And the pre-order price is only $0.99 sense so really, what’re you waiting for?