and the Bunker-Play winner is…

(…chosen by randomly accosting one of my colleagues and making them pick a number…) Inge Saunders! Congrats on winning a copy of The Striker’s Chance and thanks so much to everyone who commented!

Bunker-Play Blog Hop

I’m not going to lie to y’all – I’m not a huge fan of professional golf. It takes ages, winners and losers are often determined long before the game is finished, and how seriously can you take a sport where guys like Angel Cabrera can become...

facing my critics

I’ve always been an academic overachiever, and until The Striker’s Chance released a little over two weeks ago I would’ve taken a B and a B- very, very badly. But when they’re given by romance-reviewing powerhouses Smexy Books and Dear Author,...

visiting the minxes

Things are hectic this end as I scramble to finish edits for my March release with Samhain (fyi y’all, the cover is amazing) and get the manuscript for its sequel to the same editor before I leave for my wedding – oh, yeah, and that wedding shindig takes...

more blog hopping

Release week for The Striker’s Chance is winding down, although being without power at our house for 30+ hours certainly kept things lively! Electricity workers are on strike here in Johannesburg and I had the uniquely South African experience of filling my...