Two Magic Words

I’ve written these two words fairly often, but I admit this time I welled up a little. I’ve had so much fun with the Star sisters, ranch-raised Jewish Texans whose experience of America sits close to my heart. I loved writing these brave, flawed, beautiful...


Today is only the sixth day of NaNoWriMo – or National Novel Writing Month to the uninitiated – and I’m already about 50% behind on my word count. Evidently I’m a glutton for punishment since I so often fail at NaNo events yet always go back for more....

back to camp

July is upon us, and amidst all the crazy final-stage admin involved in wrapping up my life in the UK and starting a new one in South Africa – oh, and, y’know, planning the wedding that’s now less than three months away – I thought it was...

select all + delete

I’m a huge fan of the NaNoWriMo project (National Novel Writing Month for the uninitiated), wherein one sets a goal to write a novel (defined as 50,000 words) in a month’s time. The original event is held in November, but there are also ‘Camp’ NaNoWriMo months in...