guest post and giveaway

I’m talking about holiday traditions over at RR@H Novel Thoughts today, and one commenter will win a free copy of Hero’s Homecoming! Release day went off...

christmas came early

Hey hey it’s release day! My military holiday novella HERO’S HOMECOMING hits digital shelves today, both on its own and as half of GIFTS OF HONOR, one of Carina Press’s holiday collections. I can’t explain how proud I am of this novella, and...


Today is only the sixth day of NaNoWriMo – or National Novel Writing Month to the uninitiated – and I’m already about 50% behind on my word count. Evidently I’m a glutton for punishment since I so often fail at NaNo events yet always go back for more....

stop in at the cafe

…and see my unabashed, indulgent posting of wedding photos. Oh yes I did.

here come the holidays

Today is my last day in the States after a brilliant three weeks spent getting married (!) and taking a road-trip honeymoon from Kansas to California. A full recap entry is forthcoming, but in order to cheer myself up ahead of the 40ish hours of travel awaiting me...

coffee grounds at the cafe

I’m sort of in two places at once today – I’m in Kansas, preparing for my wedding, and I’m at the Contemporary Romance Cafe probably alienating all my readers by enthusing about my love of gritty, masculine literary fiction. I even share some...