red-letter day

Okay, maybe more like pink. My plan for today’s post was to share the two places you can find me and HERO’S HOMECOMING today – and I’ll still do that. But first I want to share the unbelievably exciting news that Sarah Wendell from Smart...

stop in at the cafe

…and see my unabashed, indulgent posting of wedding photos. Oh yes I did.

coffee grounds at the cafe

I’m sort of in two places at once today – I’m in Kansas, preparing for my wedding, and I’m at the Contemporary Romance Cafe probably alienating all my readers by enthusing about my love of gritty, masculine literary fiction. I even share some...

release day excerpt at the cafe

Release thus far has been beyond fabulous. In addition to an amazing outpouring of support from friends and my fellow Carina Press authors, The Striker’s Chance got 4 out of 5 stars from the inimitable Mandi Schreiner at Smexy Books! A sexy excerpt from the...

the haven’t-done list

I’m over at the Contemporary Romance Cafe today, blogging about all the stuff I’m, er, not working on. Stop by and have a look: