goodreads giveaway!

Hello faithful readers! I’m minutes away from signing off for the holidays – including a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Zimbabwe – but I have a late-breaking opportunity for you to up your festive game! From 1 January my publisher will be giving away two...

game, set, match!

It’s April 14th, which means two things: only one day left for US citizens to file their taxes, and release day for LOVE IN STRAIGHT SETS! Its release is part of Carina Press’s Sports Week, spotlighting sexy athletes and the men and women who love them. In...

and the Bunker-Play winner is…

(…chosen by randomly accosting one of my colleagues and making them pick a number…) Inge Saunders! Congrats on winning a copy of The Striker’s Chance and thanks so much to everyone who commented!

Bunker-Play Blog Hop

I’m not going to lie to y’all – I’m not a huge fan of professional golf. It takes ages, winners and losers are often determined long before the game is finished, and how seriously can you take a sport where guys like Angel Cabrera can become...

guest post and giveaway

I’m talking about holiday traditions over at RR@H Novel Thoughts today, and one commenter will win a free copy of Hero’s Homecoming! Release day went off...